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More about "Going Home: The Mystery of Animal Migration"


Emily Morgan and Karen Ansberry, authors of two terrific NSTA (National Science Teachers Association )publications: "Picture Perfect Science Lessons" and "More Picture Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children's Books to Guide Inquiry" reviewed my book in the summer issue of NSTA's Science and Children. They compiled activities that encourage grades K-4 to "Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate" as they learn more about the mysteries of animal migration.

It's downloadable at: http://dawnpub.com/activities/NSTA_GoingHome.pdf

In fact, click on "Dawn Publications" below, then onto "Teachers/Librarians" Downloadable Activities, scrolling down to the Migration Book and you will see other activities too, including reproducible bookmarks of the ten migrating animals in the book. Enjoy the journey!



Dawn Publications

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