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New & Noteworthy News!

"For the Birds!"

In May many birds that breed in the U.S.A. migrate. The American Bird Conservancy (see link below) has listed ten things people can to do protect migratory birds in their homes and yards. One thing is to "create a backyard habitat" by planting flowers and shrubs that attract native birds.

Here in Florida I am sad that migrating birds are traveling to their "summer" homes. But how lucky we have been to see and hear them in Florida's flora all winter long. While I always enjoyed bird watching back in New York, and down here in Florida, I never really got into it that much until I wrote "Marsh Morning." That required going out very early in the morning to hear birds begin their melodies and really listen. It was magical, and I learned so much! If you are not familiar with my book, "Marsh Morning", about fifteen different birds making music throughout the day, I hope you will check it out. Young naturalists, as well as youngsters who enjoy music, will have a great time as part of the marsh's daytime audience. And at dusk, the birds stop their serenading, and frogs take over to make the music of the night. "Marsh Music", my first book, complements this book. They are "an entertaining way to teach chidren about both nature and music." Booklist
Enjoy the sights and sounds!


American Bird Conservancy

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