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New & Noteworthy News!

Opportunity to get Dawn books--free!

Dear Educators,
To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, Dawn Publications is giving away $350 in books to teachers and their students. Educators are encouraged to share their experiences – both inside and outside the classroom – on connecting kids with nature, using Dawn books.

If you are familiar with my books, let Dawn Publications know how you use them in your classrooms, in nature centers, in zoos and aquarium workshops, etc. It's a great opportunity to get free books (not just mine)that will connect kids to nature, which is more important today than ever before. Many children today, who spend too much time indoors, are deprived of nature experiences. As David Sobel said: "If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it."

Click here for more information about the Earth Day Contest from Dawn Publications.

HREF="http://www.dawnpub.com/earth-day-contest/"> Dawn Publications

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