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Kids Interview Me for the NYSRA Charlotte Award!

My book "Over in the Jungle: A Rainforest Rhyme" is nominated by the New York State Reading Association for the 2010 Charlotte Award. This statewide award program involves thousands of primary school students (over 14,000 in 2008) who read the ten nominated picture books and select their favorite.

In honor of the nomination, questions were submitted to me by some of the children, and the complete interview is now posted on the NYSRA website. The kids sure came up with some brilliant questions!

Below is sample question with my answer. Make sure to visit the Charlotte Award blogsite for the complete interview!

Where do you get your [story] ideas?
Ideas are all around you and you can use them to build stories. I have always had an appreciation of our Earth and a respect for nature. I spent a lot of time outdoors as a child, and still do. Discovering nature is a life-long adventure and ideas are everywhere you look. All you have to do to get ideas is to be really awake, that means staying curious about the world around you.

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