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New & Noteworthy News!

Authors for Earth Day

This year I joined "Authors for Earth Day," a coalition of children's authors and illustrators who celebrate Earth Day in classrooms from California to New York. We share our books, promote environmental awareness, and raise money to support conservation.

Each participating author schedules a school visit around Earth Day and donates their speaking fee to a 501(c)(3) non-profit conservation organization.

Sylvan Learning Center of Jupiter is generously making the donation instead of paying me. Students at Jupiter Farms Elementary School will vote for five conservation organizations that they have chosen and the winner will be announced on the day of my visit. This special one-day event is designed to empower kids to find their "voice" as writers and as voters, and to use that voice to help care for our earth. Can't wait to share my nature-awareness books with students there, and also find out which organization is their "winner." Will keep you posted! HAPPY EARTH DAY BIRTHDAY!

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