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Something About the Author (SATA)

Ten years ago when I was still working at Jupiter Library, I would often refer students to SATA, a respected reference series profiling authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults. Published by Gale/Cengage Learning, SATA is used in elementary and secondary schools as a major resource for language-arts curricula.

As a children's librarian, I enjoyed reading all about the authors and illustrators in SATA. Eric Carle, William Steig, Maurice Sendak, Roald Dahl, Judy Blume, Lois Lowry, Virginia Hamilton, and Gary Paulsen, are just a few that come to mind at this moment.

In 2005 after my fourth picture book "Over in the Ocean, in a Coral Reef" was published, SATA included me in their latest volume. I couldn't believe it! Becoming a published author in 2000 with "Marsh Music" was a dream come true. But I never dreamed I would be listed in SATA. And now they are doing an update in Volume 217, mentioning my eight books, with two more coming out in 2011. It's all so incredible! If you are an aspiring children's writer, take a look at SATA some time, and picture your name in a future volume. You never know, it can happen; take it from me!!
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