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Florida Heritage Book Festival

Hard to believe summer will soon be over and I'll be in St. Augustine at the Florida Heritage Book Festival. What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Florida's "rich and diverse literary culture" and meet authors of books that bring Florida to life, in this beautiful oldest city. Won't you come?

Prominent fiction, non-fiction authors and poets,along with children's authors like me, HREF="http://www.fhbookfest.com/children_yound%20adults.htm"> Children's Authors, will present workshops and autograph books. Best-selling novelist, Carl Hiassen, will be honored with a Florida Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award (He even writes popular children's books, e.g. "Hoot", "Flush" and "Scat.") at the Friday Night Banquet Event. (On Friday morning I'm looking forward to visiting Otis A. Mason Elementary School in St. Augustine.)

Can't wait to hear Mr. Hiassen speak at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday in the Flagler College Auditorium. Then I head for Room 216(click onto Events and then Book Festival Schedule) at 11:45 to present Fiction, Fact and Fun. I'll share my eight picture books, how I wrote them, why I feel it's so important to connect kids (and adults) to nature. I'll also talk about the five different illustrators who helped make these books so successful as I show their beautiful artwork.

Hope to see you there!
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