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New & Noteworthy News!

"Out of this World!"

If you live near Orlando, I'll be reading two of my picture books at the Orlando Science Center this coming Saturday, May 7, 1:00-3:00.

I'll be in the earth and space science hall, Our Planet, Our Universe reading, of course, Going Around the Sun: Some Planetary Fun. It is one of eight books recently nominated for the 2011-2012 FRA Children's Book Award! Illustrator, Janeen Mason created the background to each of the planetary illustrations by melting crayons on heated paper, creating a unique and textured background suggestive of space.

Today's children--the generation that may put a colony on Mars--are growing up knowing that Earth, Mars and other planets are part of a "family of planets."

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York wrote: "If the Sun were a poet, then "Going Around the Sun" captures just what it would say to its beloved family of planets."

Can't wait for more Florida kids to read my book as one of the 2011-2012 nominees. And of course, kids all across the country have been enjoying the brilliantly illustrated pictures for the past three years, along with my story!

And now I'll have the wonderful opportunity to tell kids in Orlando more about this book, as well as my best selling book Over in the Ocean, in a Coral Reef, at the Orlando Science Center, as together we "reach for the stars!" Hope to see you there!


Orlando Science Center

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