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New & Noteworthy News!

A Great Day!

Thursday I spent an inspiring day at Westminster Christian School in Miami. It is always such a thrill when I arrive at a school that has really “prepared” for my author visit. Media Specialist, Susan Lewis, welcomed me with a special parking spot, and a light breakfast before entering the school’s warm and inviting media center, where on the walls the talented art teacher had displayed amazing creations about the migrating animals and their incredible journeys in my book "Going Home." What a great way to enhance learning!

I was particularly impressed with all the little hummingbird nests made out of yarn that were attached to real tree branches. Of course Susan had been reading all my books to the children over the past few weeks, and there they were on a table next to a microphone and screen and we were ready to begin. The students and teachers were so responsive and after doing three presentations for Pre-K through Grade 4, I autographed 175 books!

It’s so rewarding to know a kid is taking a book home to read again and hopefully again, each time discovering something new and exciting. Creativity certainly flourishes in WCS’s media center where students can celebrate the joy of reading, and learn digital literacy skills too! It was a great day, but the excitement wasn’t over.

When I arrived home in the early evening, after a 2-1/2 hour drive, I sat outside on our patio to relax before dinner, and for the first time in all the 12 years my husband and I have lived in Hobe Sound, there on our bottlebrush tree was a little hummingbird whizzing from flower to flower as the sun began to set in a glorious orange sky. Life is indeed a mystery!
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