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New & Noteworthy News!

FRA Annual Conference This Week!

The Florida Reading Association's Annual Conference is Sept. 8-11 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando. The theme is "Reading...Unlocking Hidden Treasures." How perfect is that since it's National Literacy Month.

I'm lucky to be one of their featured authors and couldn't be more pleased, especially since Going Around the Sun: Some Planetary Fun is one of the eight nominees for the 2011-2012 Children's Book Award. Of course I'll be sharing all my books, including my newest, Animalogy published by Sylvan Dell.

Here's where you'll find me:
Thurs. 6:15: -Exhibit Hall, Sylvan Dell booth #314.
Fri. 9:15: Panzacola Room F1
Presentation: "Fiction, Fact and Fun"
10:30: FRA Book Store - signing
12-1:00: Sylvan Dell Booth - signing
1:45: Suwannee Room 20 - SD Presentation:
"A Picture Book Approach to Child Literacy."
Sat. 7:30-8:30 - Conway Room - Authors Breakfast
9:00 - FRA Bookstore
10-11 - Sylvan Dell Booth

Hope some of you can join me as together we celebrate a love of reading!
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