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Happy Summer Shelling

I recently heard from a reader who discovered my seashell book at a gift store on the Jersey shore. Went on to Amazon.com, which I do from time to time, and saw some new reviews for this book, even though it's been around for over 12 years. Dawn Publications has sold 60,000 copies and this spring printed an adorable board book for little ones as well.

What I love about this interactive book is that kids go beyond the pages on a wondrous seashell adventure. They discover what amazing works of art mollusks create. As the kids in the book find shells to give to their grandmother, they find one still has the mollusk living inside. They put it back in the water--learning that shells are usually the abandoned homes of sea animals.

I never tire of looking at Robert Noreika's captivating watercolor illustrations. He really takes you to the beach on a hot summer day where you can almost feel the sand between your toes.

Click onto the book to get to Amazon.com
Summer Smiles,

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